Romney Williams, CEO of DRYOUT, Vision With Execution
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Vision with Execution: A Conversation with Romney Williams
Welcome back to The Vision with Execution Show! I’m Adam Torkildson, and this is my twelfth episode. Today, I’m joined by Romney Williams, CEO of DryOut. We first connected a few months ago through, thanks to AI matchmaking us as two guys who should have a conversation. Turns out, the AI got it right.
A Little Background
Before we dive into Romney’s insights, I want to share a little bit about why I do this show. I firmly believe that vision without execution is just hallucination—thank you, Thomas Edison, for that gem. This show is about talking to leaders who not only dream big but also execute at a high level. Romney is one of those people.
We kicked off our conversation with some small talk, and, as always, I had to throw in a bit about my dad being a full-time circus clown. That kind of background gives me an appreciation for people with a good sense of humor, and Romney fits right in.
The DryOut Story: Solving a Universal Problem
So what is DryOut? If you’ve ever had a phone take a swim, lost a pair of earbuds in the wash, or dealt with rust and corrosion on your gear, DryOut is something you’ll want to know about. The whole thing started when DryOut’s founder, Elliot Harris, had a moment of desperation after his phone got wet. He ran to Best Buy, where he was met with the old rice-bowl trick. Spoiler: it didn’t work. But then he had a lightbulb moment—while wearing a moisture-wicking shirt and eating beef jerky, he realized he could create a better solution using moisture-wicking material and silica gel. Fast forward, and DryOut now has patented technology designed to remove moisture efficiently and effectively from electronics, firearms, and more.
The Big Shift: Becoming the “Gore-Tex of Moisture Removal”
When Romney joined DryOut three and a half years ago, the vision was clear: DryOut shouldn’t just be another consumer product—it should be the ingredient brand for moisture control, just like Gore-Tex is for waterproof clothing. Instead of just selling standalone products, DryOut is embedding its technology into other brands’ products. This means we might start seeing DryOut-integrated laptop bags, tool cases, camera gear, and even military-grade night vision goggle pouches.
This concept—what Romney and I called the Intel Inside Playbook—is powerful. It’s about leveraging strong brands with existing trust and value to introduce a new technology seamlessly. It’s a smart, scalable business move, and I love seeing it in action.
Vision for 2025: Expanding to Serve More People
Every guest on this show gets asked two big questions:
What is your vision for 2025?
How are you going to execute on it?
For Romney, DryOut’s goal is massive: to be in every North American household, to protect every member of the armed forces, and to support first responders. They’re already in discussions with major brands and government entities, looking to integrate DryOut into products ranging from kayaks to military-grade storage cases.
But what struck me even more was DryOut’s why. They exist not just to rescue wet electronics but also to help people—specifically children and veterans struggling with mental health challenges. It’s a mission-driven company, and that resonates deeply with me.
Faith, Vision, and Execution
One thing I’ve been thinking about a lot lately is how spirituality plays into vision and execution. Growing up as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I was taught to pray for guidance. Prayer has become a way for me to mentally imagine and articulate my vision before making it a reality. Romney and I connected on this as well. His faith anchors him while also pushing him to dream bigger, move faster, and execute better.
We also talked about the importance of core values in business. DryOut’s four non-negotiables? Humble, Hungry, Happy, and Honest. If you want to succeed in business—or life—you need strong values, and you have to stick to them, no matter what.
The Future of DryOut
So where is DryOut headed? They’re on track to revolutionize moisture protection across industries. And while Romney couldn’t reveal too many details, let’s just say that their tech might soon be found in protective cases for high-end electronics, weapons, and maybe even kayaks. If you’re in the business of protecting valuable gear from moisture, keep an eye on DryOut.
Wrapping Up
This conversation was a reminder of why I started this show—to learn, to connect, and to share stories that inspire execution. Romney is someone who truly embodies vision with execution, and I’ll be watching DryOut closely as they continue to grow.
If you want to connect with Romney, he’s easy to find on LinkedIn. And if you want to learn more about DryOut, check out
Until next time, keep your vision strong and your execution even stronger.
This has been The Vision with Execution Show. I’m Adam Torkildson. Thanks for tuning in!
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