Ryan Di Lello, IdeaWins CMO, Vision With Execution
About this Video:
Ryan shares his journey from rollerblading and competing in ballroom dance to performing on So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing with the Stars, and even Broadway. He breaks down the three-step visualization process he used to go from struggling in competitions to becoming a national finalist. We also discuss how his wife, Ashley, overcame a life-threatening illness through the power of mindset and neuroscience.
Beyond dance, we explore the discipline of competitive shooting, the importance of humility in success, and our joint business venture, Idea Wins, where we help small businesses find ways to save money and operate more efficiently.
This episode is packed with inspiration, actionable strategies, and personal insights that can help you sharpen your vision and execute it in 2025. Plus, we have some fun imagining Ryan ballroom dancing, rollerblading, and target shooting all at once—because why not?
Key Takeaways:
✔ The power of visualization: first-person, third-person, and emotional connection
✔ Why daily rituals are key to success in any area of life
✔ How to stay humble while achieving your biggest dreams
✔ The importance of serving others and giving back before you "make it"
✔ Business strategies for maximizing efficiency and keeping more of your hard-earned money
🎯 Ready to level up in 2025?
Listen now and get inspired to turn your vision into reality!
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